Wednesday 18 May 2016

setting the scene......aka 'Need to Know' Information.

Need to know information...

Just a bit about me, and why this blog exists. NBwhen I say 'a bit' thats  probably your cue to either make good your escape, or make yourself a cuppa, and grab the biscuit tin (although mine never seem to make it that far!). But I digress -0h yes, you need to get used to that too.....
In December last year, I took on a tiny 1920's cottage in Kent, with a huge garden to the rear, and decent sized gardens to the side and front. The previous occupants had lived there 35 years, bit of a sad story really: devoted old couple struggling to cope, not appropriate to go in to detail, but thankfully they remain together, albeit in an old folks home. I feel a weird responsibility, to look after this place that they loved, but thats not hard, because I fell in love with it the moment I saw it through the driving rain, and the second I stepped over the threshold, I knew I had 'come home'. There was never any doubt in my mind, that this is where I would live.
The Cottage needed quite a lot of work to make it habitable, but I am blessed with some wonderful friends, who rallied round, wielding cleaning equipment and paint brushes, so at least it looked clean and fresh, and the smell had gone (almost)  There is so much that needs doing. I have wonderful ideas, but neither skills nor funds to match, so I am resigned to a long haul.... but thats ok, I'm not going anywhere😊
This Blog will be for the most part about my garden, and the Cottage . A record of progress, but also about other things that are important to me:
  • Family
  • My animals 
  • My never ending quest to lose that 'baby weight' (they are all in their 20's now, so not holding my breath!),  via Slimming World (see Blog 'Fat Chance')
  • Upcycling/recycling (part Borrower, part Womble)
  •  Health (mental and physical)
  • Photography, no great shakes at it, but it makes me happy.
  • All the little things, and the wonderful people (names may be changed to protect the innocent. I may have to rethink that of cour if they dont pay up.....) that contribute to tapestry of my life.